
Gemma finishes with her degreee and a prize from DAAD

Posted on 16 Jul 2016 in News, Successes | Comments Off on Gemma finishes with her degreee and a prize from DAAD

Gemma came to us to prepare a portfolio for communication design. Gemma has always been a very special, independent and highly creative person. Her artistic expression was convincing in every respect, and it was also understood that she could choose a place to study. Her decision for Leipzig iwas right – and barely that we look around, she has already […]

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Feedback of Constanze

Posted on 12 Jul 2016 in Feedback, News | Comments Off on Feedback of Constanze

Als ich im Sommer letzten Jahres zu Kathrin und Michael in die Mappenschule kam war ich (35 Jahre) alt. Das hatte den Vorteil, dass ich wusste was ich wollte: Kunst studieren. Alle fanden das toll und mutig, aber dass ich das in dem Alter noch mal schaffen würde an einer staatlich anerkannten Hochschule für Kunst […]

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More than 85% success

Posted on 11 Jul 2016 in News, Successes | Comments Off on More than 85% success

More than 85% of our participants in the last semesters for portfolio preparation 2015-2016 managed the goal of a successful bid in academies and universities. After the application period for the application to the academies and universities are largely completed, we take a look back at the semester run from August 2015 to the end […]

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Guyve for UdK

Posted on 05 Jul 2016 in Successes | Comments Off on Guyve for UdK

Now Guye’s got a little more time to spend with the Berliners – fortunately, for now he has passed the test and can look forward to the study of architecture at the University of Arts (UdK). And we are happy to stay with him and also about the fact that we will thereby see us […]

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Posted on 29 Jun 2016 in Feedback (Video) | Comments Off on Feedback_Özge_turkey

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