Marlene and Tara as guests

MarleneTara_06We are always happy when our alumni get in touch with us, even if it is spontaneous and we can not spend so much time with them as we want. Last night, however, this has worked wonderfully and so we came together from 16:30 to 23:30 with Marlene and Tara, talking about the further developments of their lives.

Marlene pulled a long internship in the theater workshops in Vienna, from where she returned enthusiastic and with a lot of experience in the practical-artistic accomplishment. Now she began her studies of Ethnology in Leipzig and rented recently, together with her sister a small studio for artistic work. We had the feeling that Marlene is exactly on the right way, looking forward to things that come, feeling very comfortable.
Taras life seems to be a bit more complicated, so many talking points revolved around the question of the failure and the quality of this form of experience. Tara needs a little patience and is currently looking for a way of training in the graphic area, which further advances her way to communication design. Even Taras development is absolutely positive, although she did not carry out the time in our semesters directly into a study. More important, it appears that both collect initially life experience to implement these experiences artistically into their independent work later on.
MarleneTara_04Our friend, photographer and part time lecturer Daniel W., who joined us during the evening, complemented the round as elder statesman and participated actively with his personal testimonies.