After her first rejection at the KHB Weissensee, Polly (second from left) was not impressed and applied to the Academy for Applied Arts in Vienna. Not only did she like the city so much but she immediately found a lot of wonderful people and an apartment there. But most impressive, she was invited directly to the stage design exam. After a few days of hard exams and an intensive discussion, she was informedright away that she had been accepted for a place at the university. That’s fantastic!!! She worked very hard with a lot of good humour and a positive approach and deserved it.
Her work in the semester developed wonderfully and we were very happy that the quality of her work was recognized in Vienna. Of course Polly will continue to apply, but actually her decision is already certain. Vienna welcomed her wonderfully and to study there is really recommendable.
We are very happy for her and wish her all the best for her studies.
YIP!!! Big hugs!!!