Guyves way to architecture
Also Guyve made it as Navot in the examination of architecture at the University of Arts. Now both can prepare together and we will keep our fingers crossed. Guyve and Navot have met in the past few semesters in our art school and spent a lot of time outside the classes together.
So vielseitig die Interessen Guyves auch sein mögen, dem Ziel, sich für Architektur zu bewerben, ist er die ganzen drei Semester treu geblieben. Dabei hat er sich, ähnlich wie Navot, sich nicht konventionell mit Architekturformen auseinandergesetzt, sonder spielerisch, malerisch Formen zu einem eigenständigen Gebilde immer wieder neu erfunden und dabei unterschiedlichste Techniken eingesetzt. Gemeinsamer Charakter war eine konkrete Sauberkeit der Blätter, welche oft im Gegensatz zu explodierenden Formen als Farbelemente standen. Gerade das machte die Arbeit spannend und singulär.
As versatile Guyves interests may be, the aim to apply for architecture, he kept remained true throughout the three semesters. He has, similar to Navot, not conventionally dealt with architectural forms. He worked especiallly playful, with picturesque forms an independent structures, constantly reinvented them and thereby used different techniques. Common character in his works were a concrete cleanliness whith often exploding shapes as colored elements. Just that made the work exciting and singular.
We hope everything turns out in a good way during the exams, so he will stay in Berlin.