In the penultimate semester Karl was a participant in our portfolio preparation. Meanwhile he is studying fine arts in Braunschweig and works mainly in the fields of video/ drawing and performance. When he was with us he promised to invite us for dinner and that was now redeemed. Beside many amusing stories from the academy Braunschweig we also had so much fun and a super delicious menu. YAMYAM. Thank you!
Last Friday we were invited to Guyve’s birthday party. Three years ago Guyve prepared his portfolio for architecture at our house. He was accepted at the UdK and studied there for two years, but then he decided to finish his studies and take care of completely different projects around ambient music. That’s very exciting, because to finance these projects he draws constantly and very, very well. We looked through his drawings with him and were impressed.
We hope that his considerations will bear fruit and we keep our fingers crossed for sustainable success.
In the time between the semesters we are always happy to meet former participants of the VON ERLENBACH KUNSTSCHULE.
We met Caro in our cafe around the corner. She will soon finishing her studies for Fine Arts at the UdK and she is thinking about how to go on.
Maybe she will move to Greece. We are curious, keep on staying in contact and wish her all success.
Sarah prepared herself very intensively and with an unbelievably amount of small sketches for her application for communication design. Her portfolio was somehow unusual for a participant because she was one of a few participants who was very intensively involved in the field of typography. Her portfolio was therefore a very good example with concentrated works within that complex. She showed a never-ending variety of different possibilities for her creative work. That convinced at the castle Giebichenstein and for us it was natural that she was invited to the examination. It was also nice that she was accompanied by Giordano, who also received an invitation.
Now we wait for the result and keep our fingers crossed until then. TOITOITOI!!!
The mother of our participant Giordi thanked us for our work:
I’ve wanted to write to you for two weeks now and thank you for the work you’ve done over the last 6 months. From a distance I could see Giordano opening his creative locks, thanks to you. Regardless of whether he is accepted in Leizpzig or at the UdK or elsewhere, I am grateful to you, this was an excellent course. You have paved the way for it to continue. It seems to me that you have found a nice balance to let your students experiment and play and then occasionally challenge them to work on themselves with honest and sometimes hard criticism. I now understand your success (your 80 – 90 percent… or more). I have seen in Giordano that you give space and support at the same time. I was happy to see how much he trusts you.
Now we’ll see where his path will take us. Of course I would be happy if he would be accepted in Leipzig or at the UdK. But what he has achieved with your course is already very much.

We are happy to give our thanks back. It has always been fun to work with Giordi. He is incredibly interested and open-minded and likes to experiment. Now he is already in the second exam and he has earned this success absolutely.