After so many years it is time to make a real garden party, which takes place during the semester time of the academies, thus our former participants can come to visit us to celebrate with us. We hope that you appear numerous and with much joy and lots of news from the university.

When: July 9, 2016
Where: In the garden of the Art School
How: with drinks and BBQ stuff. Please bring your own.

Friends of you interested in art school, coming Participating are welcome.
Also Guyve made it as Navot in the examination of architecture at the University of Arts. Now both can prepare together and we will keep our fingers crossed. Guyve and Navot have met in the past few semesters in our art school and spent a lot of time outside the classes together.
So vielseitig die Interessen Guyves auch sein mögen, dem Ziel, sich für Architektur zu bewerben, ist er die ganzen drei Semester treu geblieben. Dabei hat er sich, ähnlich wie Navot, sich nicht konventionell mit Architekturformen auseinandergesetzt, sonder spielerisch, malerisch Formen zu einem eigenständigen Gebilde immer wieder neu erfunden und dabei unterschiedlichste Techniken eingesetzt. Gemeinsamer Charakter war eine konkrete Sauberkeit der Blätter, welche oft im Gegensatz zu explodierenden Formen als Farbelemente standen. Gerade das machte die Arbeit spannend und singulär.
As versatile Guyves interests may be, the aim to apply for architecture, he kept remained true throughout the three semesters. He has, similar to Navot, not conventionally dealt with architectural forms. He worked especiallly playful, with picturesque forms an independent structures, constantly reinvented them and thereby used different techniques. Common character in his works were a concrete cleanliness whith often exploding shapes as colored elements. Just that made the work exciting and singular.
We hope everything turns out in a good way during the exams, so he will stay in Berlin.
Navot is a frequent traveler and has already seen almost the whole world. So we were pleased that he decided to use a longer stop here in the art school, to prepare for a degree in architecture.
If there was a guarantee of good mood, this was in these semesters certainly Navot. He had good feelings with all the participants and gave each one a good day. Mood was yesterday, today is Navot. That`s been the motto. Fun for all those who could be part of it in these terms.
His work followed Navot priority in different sized sketchbooks, of which there were many at the end of the semester and the form and content has shown very interesting perspectives. Perspectives not in an architectural sense of which there were only details, clippings. It was more his world of his own characterizations of the world surrounding him, which came in the books to light and convinced us as well as the Commission at the UdK. He was invited with his application to the exam, as well as his semester colleague Guyve.
We would be delighted if he positively passes the exam and remains in Berlin the next year.
YaYa, born as Hsuan-Wei, came from London, where she finished her study in goldsmithery. Although she just finished her study in a creative field, she knew exactly that she wants to study Fine Arts. And that`s why she came to our portfolio preparation at the VON ERLENBACH KUNSTSCHULEand stayed three semesters.
YaYa is from Taiwan and has an absolutely memorable, distinctive voice, which makes her both very impressionable and secondly sympatic. It is the same with her works, which have an incredible expressiveness and with whom she could only have difficulties for an entrance exam because these works are so strong as well, not only in the picturesque formulation, but also in the content dealing with current issues in the field of visual arts. Although YaYa was one of the few participants who had to work for money besides our courses, she has been around as often as possible.
Now YaYa came to visit us, telling that she has been invited in Karlsruhe at the Art Academy for the exam. We wish YaYa from our deepest hearts that they will provide admission to one the application and that she can use and contribute her full potential in her studies of Fine Arts. She has more than earned it in the best sense.