Margret breezed in as a surprise to visit our school and talked about her studies of visual arts at the Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam.
It is incredible that seven years have passed since Margret came to us in the VON ERLENBACH KUNSTSCHULE to prepare her portfolio. She had initially enrolled after this period in Psychology and made her Masters recently. During the entire study period she kept on working in arts and now she is studying visual arts. This week, she’s with her class to visit Berlin, seeing a lot of exhibitions.
It was interesting to hear that there is an opportunity to study in the evening at the Rietveld. While working in the field of public relations for a company during daytime, Margret is studying art in the evenings.
It really sounds good.
Florians first attempt for a study in Communication Design has been his first success

regarding the last month sinche September, Florians work really developped a lot. First he came with a single interest, just for a study in Communication Design. But further on he recognized his interest and the joyful playing with colours and paint and developped his skills to high quality in this subject. Even that he still keeps faithful towards Communication Design, regarding his topics in his pictures, mainly letters, he thinks about an application for Fine Arts at the Academy of Arts in Düsseldorf as well..

With this approval, we are continuing the success of the applications at the art academies in 2016. Already the first applications at the small Berlin Academy KHB were very successful. So we are confident that we will achieve the 80 percent mark in approvals adopted this year. Yip!
We are always happy when our alumni get in touch with us, even if it is spontaneous and we can not spend so much time with them as we want. Last night, however, this has worked wonderfully and so we came together from 16:30 to 23:30 with Marlene and Tara, talking about the further developments of their lives.
Marlene pulled a long internship in the theater workshops in Vienna, from where she returned enthusiastic and with a lot of experience in the practical-artistic accomplishment. Now she began her studies of Ethnology in Leipzig and rented recently, together with her sister a small studio for artistic work. We had the feeling that Marlene is exactly on the right way, looking forward to things that come, feeling very comfortable.
Taras life seems to be a bit more complicated, so many talking points revolved around the question of the failure and the quality of this form of experience. Tara needs a little patience and is currently looking for a way of training in the graphic area, which further advances her way to communication design. Even Taras development is absolutely positive, although she did not carry out the time in our semesters directly into a study. More important, it appears that both collect initially life experience to implement these experiences artistically into their independent work later on.
Our friend, photographer and part time lecturer Daniel W., who joined us during the evening, complemented the round as elder statesman and participated actively with his personal testimonies.
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In den letzten Tagen haben wir viele Ehemalige bei uns zu Gast. Wir freuen uns sehr darüber, denn genau dadurch bekommen wir Informationen aus erster Hand zu den aktuellen Situationen an den verschiedensten Hochschulen.
Maya hatte dieses Jahr das Glück, bei den Prüfungen für Visuelle Kommunikation an der Kunsthochschule Weissensee assistieren zu können. Das heißt, sie hat alle eingereichten Mappen gesehen. Sehr spannend für uns. Sie berichtete, dass alleine 30-40 Mappen sofort rausflogen, weil die präsentierten Ergebnisse absolut unterirdirsch waren. Im Vergleich dazu hatten es unsere Bewerber_Innen gut. Zwei von drei kamen zur Prüfung und hegen berechtigte Chancen auf eine Zulassung. Mit den Berichten von Maya kennen wir nun auch die aktuelle Lage an der kleinen Akademie wieder. Wir sind also up to date.
Dank Maya.
Nice surprise. It took almost two years, then Michael from Year 14/15 passed by and reported new and exciting things about his time at the art academy Nürnberg and his class with Prof. Ottmar Hörl. A bottle of Pinot Gris Erlenbacher am Fels helped embellish the stories accordingly. Cheers. And hopefully again!