Mathilde, who came from Denmark into the semesters at the VON ERLENBACH KUNSTSCHULE had first applied at the KHB Weissense. Like Polly she was unfortunately rejected there. That irritated her only briefly, then she took a new attempt for the application for painting in Vienna. Out of 180 applicants, 9 (nine) were selected for the exams. Mathilde was one of them and had taken the first hurdle. After hard days of examination, which were followed by an exhibition of the works in the examination, she was informed on Monday that she was one of the six people who would get a place at university.
That’s fantastic and highly deserved. Mathilde has an incredible power in her work and it has to be pushed out. Now she has the opportunity to do so and a good care on top of that.
YEAHHH!! Respect. We hope you come and visit us often and tell us how you are doing. We wish only the best for the beginning of your studies.
After her first rejection at the KHB Weissensee, Polly (second from left) was not impressed and applied to the Academy for Applied Arts in Vienna. Not only did she like the city so much but she immediately found a lot of wonderful people and an apartment there. But most impressive, she was invited directly to the stage design exam. After a few days of hard exams and an intensive discussion, she was informedright away that she had been accepted for a place at the university. That’s fantastic!!! She worked very hard with a lot of good humour and a positive approach and deserved it.
Her work in the semester developed wonderfully and we were very happy that the quality of her work was recognized in Vienna. Of course Polly will continue to apply, but actually her decision is already certain. Vienna welcomed her wonderfully and to study there is really recommendable.
We are very happy for her and wish her all the best for her studies.
YIP!!! Big hugs!!!

It’s getting to be something. The study of painting started for Sascha (but not only for him, also for Lukas and Ye). Now it’s time for the preperations, the mixing of the egg tempera. How does that work again???
We helped after Sascha didn’t really want to come up with the right mixture.

Even if the semester ends now, the preparation goes on, one way or the other. At the moment it might be still the preparations that should lead you to your preferred study, later, in quite a short time, it could also be the physical fitness that you get with a good physical preparation. Fortunately for all of us there was Ninya, who combined both. Physioteraphy and artistic talent. YIP

Langjie came from China to join us at the VON ERLENBACH KUNSTSCHULE. He had already successfully completed his studies in painting there and now wanted to continue his studies in Germany, but here in sculpture. Due to this already completed study and by his age of 29 years his prospects for a successful application at a German academy were very limited. But Langjie had quickly learnt from us and also profited a lot from the other participants in the semester. With his discipline and experimental approach he created a very extensive portfolio.
He was already successful with his first application to the Kunstakademie Weissensee. He was invited directly to the examination and a few days later he was promised a place at university.
He achieved something extraordinary with it, because the resistance was greater than with some other applicants.
Outstanding! Respect! But now it’s time for the next applications to the academies in Düsseldorf, Dresden and Munich. And here, too, we are very confident that this will work out. So we keep our fingers crossed, but are also happy when Langjie stays in Berlin so that we can keep in touch easily.
ToiToiToi during my studies