As Doro came into the wportfolio semester of the ERLENBACH ART SCHOOL, she hasn´t lots of experience and showed herself refreshingly naive in many areas. We see this as a major advantage, cause a given person is usually very unveneered against the multiple possibilities of artistic work. Doro was like this, but very fast she proved to be a great talent as a painter and got even more and more desire to compete alongside arts education for Fine Arts.
In both directions, they had success. First, at Burg Giebichenstein in Halle for Art Education and then at the Art Academy in Maastricht in the Netherlands for Visual Arts, together with her semester colleague and friend Milena .
We would wish her to opt for the fine arts, at least initially. So she can explore her great talent more. It would be a shame to her potential. We will be happy either way for her success and we are sure that she will go her way and brings out the best of herselve.
Keep it up!
Lisa originally wanted to prepare for communications design in our portfolio semester. She drew incessantly, introverted and lost in her own world. She made very quickly very great progress in this area. Yet the substantive aspects of what her drawings were dealing about were far away from what we could imagine for an application in Come Design.
Through a hint from our side she packed her drawings in stop motion films and small videos and- suddenly- everything was there and took care of its content very well. In the course of our portfolio semester in the FROM ERLENBACH ART SCHOOL Lisa made a lot of small, fantastic stop-motion movies, videos and independent drawings and everything developed directly to the field of study “Time-Based Media” that we recommended her to apply for. In particular, at Burg Giebichenstein in Halle this subject is a fantastic place to study, because the Department of Prof. Michaela Schweiger is particularly well cared for and the equipment is very good.
We shared Lisas happiness, who passed the test at the Burg successfully. Now she can use the whole range of facilites there and we wish her the best for her studies.
The Grupiusbau currently shows several interesting exhibitions of internationally renowned artists – we can all recommend to visit – Isa Genzken, William Kentridge, Günter Brus, the Maya.
Yesterday we were in the first major retrospective of Isa Genzken. The exhibition shows a fairly comprehensive review of their artistic works of recent decades. The former master student and ex-wife of Gerhard Richter has created a versatile and complex work in over forty years that includes sculptures, installations, films, photographs paintings, works on paper and artist books. Significantly for her work is the selection and combination of such diverse materials as wood, plaster, epoxy resin and concrete. Especially in the more recent works she used plastics and everyday objects and consumer goods.
We were partly surprised and found many works great. Some of the works anh their deeper context remained secretive to us in form and meaning. But the exhibition presents a variety on issues and encourages discussion, you should go there and visitt. More under: Genzken Ausstellung
It rings at the door, we open the door – and we are happy to see Cosima again after a really long time. She comes together with her friend Jill, a wonderful young lady. It is not less than seven years ago that Cosima came to us for a portfolio preparation and now it is nearly completing her art studies at the Art Academy in Leipzig, where she studied fine arts even that she also has always had an eye on communication design.
It was a very exciting and entertaining and above all alive-friendly late afternoon with the two, which even longer withdrew into the evening.
Constanze has been the most experienced and oldest participant during the last semesters. She came with a huge package of good experiences in drawing and painting and – above all – with good humor. Regarding her former studies she also was very important for the social structure within the course a a social pedagogue.
It is a pity that we know that „older“ participants do have to work harder to get the possibility for a study in Fine Arts in Germany. They should be further than the younger ones, more defined in what they want to express and still open for everything. A really hard job. So, anyway, the portfolio preparation at the VON ERLENBACH KUNSTSCHULE can also serve for any form of orientation and very good information about all possibilities for a successful application or for a wider form of artistic living. All these different aspects world fantastic with Constanze and so we hope that she will find a place at an Academy that respects her art work and her development she made, even that she is older than 30 years. We keep fingers crossed for her and we will be happy to hear from her again.